Saturday, July 25, 2015

Week 6: Transformation - Edutainment? or Students Wanting to be In Class?

A letter to my teacher ...

When Dave shared with us his letter, this what I though my letter would be from one of my students.  I am not saying that I am successful in all of the things listed in the video, most days I am not even close, but I feel some days I get it right.  Some of the things I said in the, I have heard from my former students.  Days like that make me smile, it makes it worth the long hours and heart tearing care I strive for.  I don't want to sound like a I am blowing my own horn, but more of reminder.  These are the things I think about when I get down after an incredibly hard day.  I try to get back to that point, where my students would do anything it takes to be in my classroom that next day.  I will completely scrap a lesson plan the night, more like the morning, before to make a lesson that could be labeled in the "edutainment" category.

What would you want to see in your student's letter?  What is your goal for you classroom?  Would a student want to pay to be taught by you?  I challenge you to write this letter.  Write down you direction, your ending location of all your students.  Start with just a few words.  What few words is that students would use to describe your class?

Once you have written this letter, share it out.  If you don't want to share the whole letter, at least share out your words that you want your students to use to describe your classroom.  Be sure to use the hashtag #SummerTLAP .  I look forward to see the responses.  Here is the Google Form for WISD employee, or whomever would like to submit.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Week 5: Ask and Analyze - Creativity in the Most Unlikely Places

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. " from Rolad Dahl, of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fame, wrote this in the very last line of his book The Minpins.  In the book Little Billy finds a hidden world, after he risks his safety.  I think relates to what Dave is talking about when he says, " 'Safe' lessons are the recipe for mediocrity at best."  This is a part of building rapport with your students as well.  You all had some other great suggestions as well.

On Twitter:
Rapport: Be Real. Students need to know that you shop at Walmart just like everyone else. #SummerTLAP

The other most important thing is I tell Ss it doesn't matter what they have done in the past, new year, new class, new chance #SummerTLAP

In the first few days of school I also let my Ss learn about me too! My fears, hopes, dreams & passions. @patrickreid28 #SummerTLAP
Also in the Comments and Google Form:

"About Me Circles as a "name tag" on their journals. I feel like starting off the school year getting a personal connection with my students helps maintain a good rapport throughout the school year." - C. Colwell

"building excitement about what we will do in class, and playing welcome games." - L. Minton

Great suggestions, thanks for sharing.

For this week I want to challenge you to develop your system of note-taking.  I started out with the note card and pen in my pocket.  It was amazing how ideas started flowing when there was medium for the ideas to be recording.  Most of them were very abstract, and not good at all, but they were a great jumping off point for starting my planning for this past year.  I did try some note taking apps on my phone.  Both Google Docs and Google Keep worked well for me.  If you have never used Google Keep, it is almost like sticky notes for your phone.  You can color code your thoughts, make lists, and even take pictures.

So what will be your note-taking strategy to put yourself within the Law of Attraction?  How will you put yourself into the mindset of find those light-bulb moments?  Do not fall victim of you the "Six Words".  As the #YouMatter movement states

#sketchnotes via @jmattmiller

Share out your thoughts, share a picture of your notes.  Be sure to use the #SummerTLAP so we can all learn together.  As always here is the submission Google Form for WISD employees.