On Twitter:
Rapport: Be Real. Students need to know that you shop at Walmart just like everyone else. #SummerTLAP
The other most important thing is I tell Ss it doesn't matter what they have done in the past, new year, new class, new chance #SummerTLAP
In the first few days of school I also let my Ss learn about me too! My fears, hopes, dreams & passions. @patrickreid28 #SummerTLAP
"About Me Circles as a "name tag" on their journals. I feel like starting off the school year getting a personal connection with my students helps maintain a good rapport throughout the school year." - C. Colwell
"building excitement about what we will do in class, and playing welcome games." - L. Minton
Great suggestions, thanks for sharing.
For this week I want to challenge you to develop your system of note-taking. I started out with the note card and pen in my pocket. It was amazing how ideas started flowing when there was medium for the ideas to be recording. Most of them were very abstract, and not good at all, but they were a great jumping off point for starting my planning for this past year. I did try some note taking apps on my phone. Both Google Docs and Google Keep worked well for me. If you have never used Google Keep, it is almost like sticky notes for your phone. You can color code your thoughts, make lists, and even take pictures.
So what will be your note-taking strategy to put yourself within the Law of Attraction? How will you put yourself into the mindset of find those light-bulb moments? Do not fall victim of you the "Six Words". As the #YouMatter movement states
Share out your thoughts, share a picture of your notes. Be sure to use the #SummerTLAP so we can all learn together. As always here is the submission Google Form for WISD employees.
When planning lesson plans, I normally start with a notebook. In fact I have used the same notebook for lesson plan ideas for the last 4 years I have been a teacher. Once I put ideas on the paper I start brainstorming on how to best execute these ideas. It also helps that I can go back to my "Lesson Plan" notebook and see the lessons that worked in the past as well as the ones that weren't as effective. I am an English teacher so many elements that I teach are aspects that my students have been taught before (ex. grammar rules). I try to review those rules in a fun, creative way that the students haven't done/heard before so they are engaged. Using my "Lesson Plan" notebook has helped me to present those rules with success.